How to support small businesses (both yours and others) during the COVID-19 pandemic

Everyone can agree that the days ahead are looking more and more uncertain as life continues to flip upside down due to COVID-19. 

Loved ones are getting sick. Schools are switching to online. People are working from home. Small businesses are suffering and huge corporations are closing their doors. 

As more and more people are trying to #flattenthecurve by staying at home, in-person events are being postponed or canceled, and for many, clients are becoming more scarce, we can turn our time at home into productive time for our business.

We wanted to as the question, 

What can we do, as a small business, during all the uncertainty, both to continue to grow and to help our fellow small businesses who are hurting? 

Here are some ideas we came up with: 

1.What you can do for your own small business: 

  • Revise website copy and old blog posts 

    • Read through your website and spruce up your about page. Make sure all your blog posts are updated and SEO-optimized. 

  • Declutter your inbox and respond to forgotten emails

    • Are you like me and are constantly waiting for the day when your inbox just implodes due to the number of messages? Now is the time to unsubscribe, organize, and respond to emails you brushed aside. 

  • Get involved and share your expertise with online communities like Facebook groups

    • Facebook groups are now more active than ever. Entrepreneurs are finding ways to band together online and offer their advice to those who need it. You should too!

  • Produce social media content that provides value to those facing hardship

    • Be extra thoughtful when posting content on social. People are online more than ever and you need to be sensitive to how your brand is showcased during this difficult time!

  • Send a thank you and check up on your previous clients

    • Nothing will brighten people’s day like a hand-written email. Take this time to personally thank previous and current clients and check up on those you care about. 

2.What you can do for other small businesses: 

  • Leave a review

    • Taking time to leave a review on another small business’s Facebook or Google page is a fast, free way to support them during this time. 

  • Follow them on social media & engage with their posts

    • You are doing so much for a small business by just choosing to support their online presence. Take it a step further by giving them a shoutout, commenting on their posts, and telling your friends about their account.

  • Purchase a gift card 

    • If there’s a local restaurant you’ve always wanted to try or a shirt from a family-owned boutique you’ve had your eye on, purchase a gift card to be used at a later date! 

If we all choose to do our part, collectively, we can make an amazing difference in both our own business and the businesses around us. Please stay safe and healthy and do your best to look after yourself and those around you. This too shall pass, so let’s keep out chin up and make the best out of this situation.

God bless,

The ConciAirs team

What does Airbnb charge guests vs hosts? A comprehensive fee guide.

You may notice, as either a host or a future Airbnb guest, there is a fee present when going to book an Airbnb listing. Unfortunately, the fees are only calculated after you plug in the dates for your desired trip, so keep that in mind as to not set yourself up for disappointment. In addition, Airbnb also requires a fee when it comes to using their platform to host. We are going to break down each type of fee structure so no matter which end you find yourself on, you won’t be surprised.

Last year, Airbnb changed their fee structure from a shared Host and Guest fee to their new and default Host-Only fee. All hosts who were using Airbnb before June 4th, 2019 have the option of switching back to the old structure if they wish. What does this new fee structure mean for the host? A bigger commission fee. And for the guest? You’ll start seeing the “guest fee” disappear from the listing page.

1. The OG shared host and guest fee.

OG = original gangster for all you non-millennials ;)

Host service fee:

Most of the time, this fee is 3% of the booking. However, there are some exceptions such as:

  • hosts in Italy

  • Airbnb Plus hosts

  • hosts with a strict cancellation policy

  • hosts with listings in Mainland China

What’s the calculation for this fee?

nightly rate + cleaning fee + additional guest fee - Airbnb fees and taxes

Guest service fee:

Most of the time, this fee is less than 15% of the subtotal price of the booking.

However, there are some exceptions such as:

  • guests staying in Mainland China do not have to pay this fee

What’s the calculation for this fee?

nightly rate + cleaning fee + additional guest fee - Airbnb fees and taxes

2. The new host-only fee.

This new pricing method was created to supply hotels and hospitality services with more power in defining the guest’s final payment.

According to Airbnb, “The host-only fee ranges from 14% to 20% (plus 2% for listings that have a Super Strict cancellation policy) and is the required fee structure for hotels and some other categories of hospitality business.”

Other fees:

cleaning fee:

This fee applies to the guest only and is determined by the host in order to cover some of the costs that it takes to manage a listing. Some hosts choose to include this fee into their nightly rate.

Hosts: Keep in mind that the cleaning fee will also have the service fee tied to it because it is included in the guest’s total payment.

Well, there you have it! I hope this post made Airbnb fees a little less confusing and a little more comprehendible.

Are you a host who doesn’t want to worry about prices & fees? ConciAirs can help with that.

What does Airbnb Plus actually mean? & other terms you should know.

Photo by ConciAirs

Photo by ConciAirs

Whether you are fairly new to the Airbnb game or have been around for a while, chances are you’re still a little confused by all the lingo associated with this short term rental platform. For instance… what is a superhost and how do you become one? What does “Airbnb plus” actually mean? We’ll be answering all this and more down below.

In short, Airbnb Plus is a listing that has been verified for both quality and comfort. And it hasn’t been verified by just anyone, but by a leading professional. Airbnb Plus helps provide guests with an extra layer of security and pleasantry during their stay.

What do you have to do in order to be granted Airbnb Plus status?

The host must:

  • maintain at least a 4.8 rating over the past year

  • have no canceled reservations over the past year

  • showcase outstanding customer service and hospitality to each guest

The listing must:

  • have a unique design that reflect’s the host individual personality

  • contain all the proper amenities (wifi, coffee, and quality linens, etc.)

  • remain immaculately clean and clutter-free

According to Airbnb, “The Airbnb team reviews current listings for exceptional quality and design and invites hosts with eligible listings to join the program.”

So, just make sure your current listing checks off on all these requirements and then wait for Airbnb to reach out to you!

Photo by ConciAirs

Photo by ConciAirs

Other Terms

Airbnb Superhost: a program to help recognize and reward the top-rated and most experienced Airbnb hosts

What do you have to do in order to be granted Airbnb Superhost status?

  • maintain a 4.8 or higher overall rating

  • have completed 10 or more stays within the past year

  • maintain a <1% cancellation rate

  • have a 90% response rate

The Airbnb Team does a routine check every three months to see which hosts deserve their status to be upgraded to Superhost. Check it out here!

Airbnb Adventures: An all-inclusive trip complete with activities and lodging, led by hosts from around the world. All you have do so is pay and then show up and let the adventure begin.

Airbnb “Business Travel Ready": A curated list of the best accommodation for business travelers.

What do you have to do in order to be granted Airbnb “Business Travel Ready” status?

  • maintain a 4.8 or higher overall rating

  • have a 90% response rate

  • have a flexible or moderate cancellation policy

  • private rooms must have an ensuite bathroom to maintain hotel-like privacy— shared spaces are not accepted

  • must have a self check-in process

  • must have a TV

  • must have all essential amenities

  • must have a hair dryer, an iron, and hangers

  • must have a laptop-friendly work space

  • must have wifi

Just like the others, the Airbnb Team will conduct a thorough analysis of all the listings to see if they are eligible to be granted “business travel ready” status!

Thanks so much for reading! We hope this post made you feel a little more comfortable and a little less confused with all the terms and jargon that you might run into while on Airbnb. Did we forget anything? Let us know in the comments, and then share this post with others who might find it helpful!

Should I Airbnb my spare room?

Photo by ConciAirs

Photo by ConciAirs

“Should I Airbnb my spare room?” This question is guaranteed to have popped into your head at one point or another. Chances are that if you’re reading this post, you have either stayed in an Airbnb before and are now thinking about hosting, or have at least heard the name “Airbnb” before.

Here’s the short answer: Just because you have a spare room does not mean you should become a host. Being an Airbnb host requires both a specific skill set and large amount of responsibility. Listing a space to stay requires time, attention to detail, and amazing customer service. You have to be on top of you game at all times to ensure a great track record for potential future clients.

Here’s a list of questions that you may want to ask yourself before becoming an airbnb host.

If you answer yes to all of these, you might be headed in the right direction.

1. Are you reliable?

Being a host means being on top of your communication game. Unless of course you choose to hire us (wink wink) you are going to have to be available to answer any questions and concerns 24/7 to ensure that your guests have a smooth and pleasant stay. You are going to need to follow through on the expectations you set on the listing page and constantly find ways to ensure the safety and happiness of your guests.

2. Are you open-minded?

Hosting your spare room means they you will be coming into contact with people from all over the country and perhaps even the world. This means that you are 100% likely host people who have different habits, customs, beliefs, etc. than you. So, if you are the type of person who becomes easily annoyed at cultural or personality differences (which, let’s admit, we all have at one point or another), you may want to rethink your choice to become a host.

3. Are you ready to clean?

Don’t think you can get away from all the not-so-fun parts or running an Airbnb like cleaning dirty towels, washing sheets, making the bed, vacuuming, dusting, etc. Unless of course, you use our services (one again—cough cough), you’ll be stuck with trying to manage a quick turnaround time to get your room looking ship shape before the next guest arrives.

4. Do you live in a good location?

You may have to rethink your choice of listing your spare room based off location. If you live in a big city or near an airport, chances are you are good to go. However, if you live in the middle of the woods or in a small, one-light town, it may be more work than it’s worth. A good way to see how your area would fare is to go on Airbnb and do your own bit of research. Search your area and see how many Airbnbs are listed, check the price per night, and view the listing calendar to see how many bookings there are. This will give you an idea about the success that your own listing might be able to acquire!

5. Do you actually have the time?

A lot of people think, “I just sign up and I’m pretty much set, right?” Wrong. In fact, you could easily be spending 30-40 total hours a month managing your Airbnb unit. Especially in the beginning, you are going to need to sacrifice a large amount of time to get your listing up and running properly. This includes initial research, signing up on Airbnb, creating a listing page, taking and uploading photos, advertising, maintenance and design, etc. Fortunately, ConciAirs has services that can help automate all of the above. Check out our services page here or email us directly at to see if your listing qualifies.

We hope this post gave you a pinch of insight before you jump on board at becoming an Airbnb host. As rewarding as the job might be, it also requires a lot more than simply saying “yes.”

How do hosts get paid on Airbnb?

As an Airbnb host or aspiring Airbnb host, you may be wondering— “How the heck and I going to get paid for my bookings? Do I have the ability to choose one form of payment that is most convenient for me?” Hold tight, because we’re about to tell you.

You can choose from a variety of convenient payyment options such as the more commonly used direct deposit and PayPal, with other options including international wire, bank transfer, AliPay, a Payoneer pre-paid debit card, Western Union, and AIS debit card (which only applies to Cuban citizens).

When do hosts receive their payment?

What Airbnb calls a Payout Method is usually available within 24 hours after the guest reserves the living space. This could vary slightly depending on your location. For example, for China, payouts are available 48 hours after checkout. However, when the money enters into your account is entirely dependent on the payout method.

Very First Reservation: could take up to 30 days to pay the host

A Stay < 28 days: 2-5 business after the guest checks in, depending on method of payment (with the exception being an AIS debit card which could take up to 20 days)

A Stay >28 days: hosts are paid on a monthly basis

How to choose a payout method:

Choosing a payout method is entirely up to the host’s discretion, giving them the freedom to decide on what is most convenient for them. This could include choosing more than one payment option! You can set or alter your payout method by logging into your account and then selecting → Payments & Payouts → Payouts → Add Payout Method.

To split a payout between two methods, go to Payout Preferences → Add Payout Routing Rule

We hope this gave you a good overview on how hosts get paid, the different payment options Airbnb offers, and how to set these payment options. Have any other topics you would like us to cover? Let us know in the comments!

7 Things Every Airbnb Must Have

Starting out as an Airbnb host is nothing short of overwhelming. There’s a lot to plan, keep track of, organize, schedule, etc. So, we decided to create a guide with what we think are the top 7 Things Every Airbnb Must Have.

photo by ConciAirs

photo by ConciAirs

1. Reliable WIFI.

Wifi is a must. And not just any WIFI, but WIFI that is strong and sure not to cause any problems. Put your guests at ease by offering a password that is easily accessible as soon as they walk in the door. WIFI is not only about convenience, it also makes your guests feel safely connected to the world around them and everyone back home.

2. Backup linens and toilet paper.

Always keep an extra pair of bed linens in a nearby closet just incase. In addition, it’s a good idea to add a few extra towels and toilet paper rolls under the bathroom sink. Make sure to store them somewhere that is easy to find so guests aren’t blowing up your phone when the time comes.

3. A smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector.

Guests are going to want to make sure that their safety is top priority. Taking simple safety measurements such as having a working smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector does just that. Once you, the host, has reported these amenities on the property, they will show up under the listing’s profile.

4. A non-slip bathroom mat.

Another must is providing your guests with a safe way to use the showers and/or tub. By providing a non-slip mat, you are protecting yourself and your guests from any injuries caused by water splashing onto the floor. Have fun choosing a mat that goes with the rest of the bathroom decor, or choose one that stands out!

5. Host contact information and emergency information.

Make it as easy as possible for the guests not only to reach you, but have access to local emergency services as well. Providing a hardcopy of your phone number and email along with emergency numbers, the nearest emergency hospital, pharmacy, doctors office, ensures that you have your guest’s back during their whole stay. If a hardcopy is not available, shoot them a message or an email with all the information.

6. A garbage bin.

At the least, it’s recommended to provide a garbage bin in the bathroom. It’s not a bad idea to have one in the bedroom and kitchen as well. Nothing is more frustrating than having racked up a lot of trash while traveling and having nowhere to put it. Make sure it’s a reasonable size and use a garbage bag for easy cleanup afterward.

7. Air conditioning, heating, and/or a fan.

A working heating and cooling system is pretty standard across all boards. However, if your listing does not have this, it’s important to provide alternatives like a fan or electric heater should the weather be hot or cold. The last thing you want is an uncomfortable night’s sleep for your guests because of the temperature!

The ConciAirs team works together to ensure that each aspect of your property is appropriately maintained. We are able to help our clients achieve maximum returns through efficiency, systemization, and systems on the management side - while still providing unique, relational experiences for our guests with excellent communication, recommendations, and personalization. Find out more about our services here or email

How to Use Instagram to Get More Airbnb Bookings

It’s no question that social media is now the modern platform for advertisement. The great thing is, it doesn’t cost a dime. But…how do you use it to your advantage? We’re about to tell you.

The first question you are asking yourself is “do I REALLY need an Instagram account for my listing?” The answer is plain and simple: yes. In today’s day and age, visual marketing is going to be your best friend, and this is exactly why Instagram comes in handy.

Check out some of our favorite Airbnb Instagram pages to gather some inspiration before you get started:

1. GetAway Frame

We love how this account created personalized hashtags for their listing to make it easy for their guests to share their experience. Most of their photos come from user-generated content which, according to Hootsuite, is  is any content—text, videos, images, reviews, etc.—created by people, rather than brands.

2. Lilypad Palm Beach

We love this account because not only are all the photos gorgeous, but they showcase the finer details of the property and allow the potential guest to step into the world that that place provides. For instance, one photo displays two glasses of champagne and another, a relaxing massage.

3. Mr. Cigar Loft

This account is great because designer and host Ron Goh has created a brand around both his personal life and his Airbnb listing. By following his page, you get sprinkles of the amazing New Zealand loft as well as his amazing travel experiences!

Now, let’s get into the details.

The Instagram Bio ⠀

  1. Turn your personal Instagram account into a "business account" by going to Profile --> Account --> Business Account and then add in all the relevant info under Edit profile --> Public Business Information (change category to "Travel Company," add contact info, etc.)⠀

  2. Add your location and Airbnb name next to your name so that you are more likely to pop up under the search bar! Go to Edit Profile --> Name. ⠀

  3. Use the website feature to put a link to your Airbnb listings page! Go to Edit Profile --> Website to make the change.⠀

Your Posts

  1. Always add a location to your posts and tag relevant accounts! ⠀

  2. Post a variety of content including photos, videos, and graphics. Edit your photos with the same "style" so your profile looks cohesive. Canva is a free tool for creating gorgeous graphics. ⠀

  3. Make sure a few posts include your face or the faces of your guests! According to Hubspot, photos showing faces get 38% more Likes than photos not showing faces.

Your Captions⠀

  1. Make sure your first sentence is catchy, witty, and fun. Try beginning with "Imagine if..." or "Did you know..." and always add VALUE to whatever you decide to share. ⠀

  2. Finish your caption with a call to action. Let your followers know what they should do next! "Click the link in my bio!" or "Book now!"

  3. ⠀Add 15-20 hashtags at the end of each post or in the first comment. Use locational hashtags and Airbnb-relevant hashtags like #airbnbhost #bestofairbnb and #shorttermrental !

Instagram Stories

  1. Try to post to your Instagram story around 3-5 times throughout the day. Use it to show photos of your listing, dig deeper into valuable info, and share behind the scenes! ⠀

  2. Add a location and a relevant hashtag to your stories so more people will see them! After creating a story, go to the square in the upper right hand corner to add these features. ⠀

  3. Use face filters and gifs to add a fun component to what you share! Showing your face will help viewers connect with you on a deeper level. ⠀


  1. Try to spend around 30 minutes a day responding to comments and Instagram stories, commenting on posts in your feed, and checking direct messages!⠀

  2. Find NEW accounts to follow and engage with by going to your "Discover" tab or typing in a relevant hashtag in the search bar! ⠀

  3. Try to be as authentic as you can with your comments. Spend time on your reply so that the account knows it's heartfelt and meaningful. Use emojis to be expressive! ⠀

We hope this provided valuable information with how to use Instagram to get more bookings! When used to its full advantage, Instagram is a great tool for Airbnb hosts that shouldn’t be ignored. Check out our services page to learn about how we can market your Airbnb property for you!

5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Airbnb Listing

We get it, you’re busy! There are groceries to buy, kids to entertain, laundry to wash… that’s why we created this post about 5 super easy (and quick) ways that you can improve your Airbnb listing.

You ready? Let’s dig in.


1. Spend a few minutes responding to positive (and negative) reviews.

Responding to reviews is a great way to show thanks and gratitude even after your guests have left. You should especially respond if the review is negative. Always work out the issue as quickly as possible and offer your apologies. Be professional and acknowledge the fault!

2. Leave a few guest reviews.

Leaving a review about your guest will let them know one last time how warmly they were received and how much you appreciate their stay. This, in turn, will also leave the guests with a lasting impression of the host.

3. Add more detail to your listing page.

A guest is going to want to know as much information as possible up front, so spend a few minutes reading over your listing page to see if all the information is accurate and if there are any more details to add. Try to be as straightforward as possible so that there are no surprises!

4. Hire us to take professional photos of your rental property.

In today’s world, great marketing is the result of great visuals. Sending us a message takes no time at all! Professional photos will help your listing stand out, it speaks to the validity and dedication of the host, and lat’s face it, your iPhone photos will not do your space justice.

Learn more about why professional photography is so important.

5. Start creating your own city guide booklet.

Help your guests feel more comfortable and acquainted the area by providing a simple booklet with some your favorite restaurants, parks, activities, or shops nearby. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy— a word document with some photos will suffice! In addition, Airbnb now has the option to add these recommendations right to your host’s profile. Your guests will greatly appreciate your knowledge of the local scene.

Sound doable? Let us know which action steps you are going to take this week!

3 Reasons Why Great Photography Matters for Your Airbnb Listing

Sure, anyone can pick up an iPhone and start shooting photos of their listing. Does that mean you should?

Ehhhh, maybe not. sorry, dude.

Here are 3 reasons why professional photography really matters for your airbnb listing:

Photo by ConciAirs

Photo by ConciAirs

1) It helps you stand out.

More and more listings are going up on Airbnb every day, and the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. What does this tell us? The first thing a potential guest is going to notice about the listing— before the price, location or anything— are the photos. If that doesn’t convince you how important professional photography is, keep reading.

Photo by ConciAirs

Photo by ConciAirs

2) It speaks to the validity of the host.

When someone sees beautiful listing photos, it speaks the fact that the host is willing to go above and beyond before the guest even chooses to book! Furthermore, knowing that the host took the time and energy to display professional photos, potential guests are more likely to book by expecting above-and-beyond service as well (just make sure to follow through— and we can certainly help with that)!

Photo by ConciAirs

Photo by ConciAirs

3) It requires more than just pointing and shooting.

Phone cameras are only becoming more and more impressive as time goes on. However, does your camera have a professional wide-angle lens and a tripod for shooting in low-light conditions? Do you properly know how to implement composition strategies like the Rule of Thirds? What about how to edit the temperature and saturation to get the best results? A professional photographer should have all the right equipment, strategies, and post-productions skills to give you the best real estate photography possible.

Interested in professional photography for your Airbnb listing? Contact us here. We would be happy to answer any questions!

5 Things Your Airbnb Guests Wish You Already Knew

Ever wanted to get into the mind of an Airbnb guest just to be able to know what it is they really want?

Well, we may not be mind readers but we do have some insight to share concerning this very subject. Taking note of these 5 things are sure to have your guests departing with smile and a 5-star review in mind.

  1. Having a photo-guided check-in process is key.

    Checking in really has the power to set the tone for the beginning of the trip. If you will not be there to greet the guests in person when they arrive and show them how to properly enter and exit the accommodation, make sure to provide detailed instructions AND photos, as the surroundings may be completely foreign to the guest. Check all keypad codes to ensure they are working, and notify your guests which doors need to be locked and which lock automatically.

  2. Provide your local recommendations, we will totally take them!

    By presenting your guests with local recommendations, you are saving them time and energy for having to research places themselves. In today’s day and age, the “local hotspots” are where it’s at, and there’s no better source than the person who lives in the area!

  3. Stocking toiletry products in the bathroom is always an added bonus.

    Not having to deal with bringing big bottles of bath products like soap and shampoo OR having to justify if there is enough liquid left in the mini travel bottles to rinse off and bring back home is a stress reliever— quite more than you would think! It’s an easy way to go above and beyond for your guests. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy (helloooo Great Value).

  4. Being flexible with check-in and check-out time and allowing us to store our luggage makes all the difference.

    Your guests certainly understand that you have rental to run and the turnover time before the next guest arrives can be rather short. However, even giving the option of flexibility on your rental page while making sure the guest knows they should reach out beforehand is very appreciated. If flexible check-in and check-out times is a no no, at least make sure you have a secure place to store their luggage in case their flight or train time is later or earlier in the day.

  5. 24-hour communication really does make a lasting impression.

    To your guest, communication will be a huge deciding factor in the ease of the stay. The ultimate goal is to have smooth sailing from the start of the process to the end, and by using ConciAirs, you are providing communication at any hour of the day.

There you have it! I hope these 5 things gave you some insight into the minds of your guests.

Have any other tried-and-true tips to share? Let us know in the comments!